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8 Secrets to a Glowing Complexion

Written by Mary Johnson

Everyone dreams of having perfect skin that is both soft and glowing. This is because it not only makes you look good but it also makes you feel good. Did you know that using makeup is not the only way to achieve beautiful glowing skin? Healthy skin depends a lot on your health, so by making a few simple changes or adopting new habits, your skin will be plump, firm and radiating. 

8 Secrets to a Glowing Complexion

glowing skin secrets
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Get your beauty sleep
You are required to sleep a minimum of 7 hours if you want to feel good as well as look good. Each hour you spend sleeping gives your body enough time to rest. Skin uses the opportunity to rejuvenate and replace dead cells while you sleep that’s why it’s crucial for your complexion. It also prevents the occurrence of eye bags and dark circles… and nobody wants those.

Eat clean and as healthy as possible
Eating healthy and drinking fresh juices is a game-changer. The best fruits for the skin are mangoes, papayas, and pineapples. If you don’t juice your own fruit, make sure the ones you buy are free from any artificial sweeteners and preservatives. You should also drink plenty of water throughout the day, this will help the skin heal and rejuvenate.

Work out on a regular basis
Working out, among numerous other benefits, increases blood circulation; regularly engaging in sweat-inducing exercises such as this HIIT treadmill workout– is key to having beautiful healthy skin. After only a few weeks you will notice a dramatic difference in your complexion. This kind of exercise will facilitate blood flow, increase the cell renewal process and help you eliminate toxins. 

how to get glowing skin
Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash

Exfoliate your face

Exfoliation is known to be one of the most effective ways to achieve glowing skin, as it gently removes dead skin cells. It is also the best way to unblock pores and let your skin breath. Take your time at least once a week to do this.

Apply hydrating masks
I find that the most effective ones are the DIY masks that you can make at home using wholesome ingredients like honey and olive oil. Hydrating masks will keep your skin nourished and this will, in turn, give you a youthful look that you want. For optimal results apply after exfoliating.

secrets to glowing skin
Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

Use a good highlighter
Days when you want to go out with makeup, make sure you use a highlighter to achieve a lovely skin. The right highlighter will do wonders, giving you a natural glow without looking cakey. You should also learn how to properly apply a highlighter for even better results.

Coconut oil is your friend
There is nothing more miraculous than coconut oil. It is known to minimize inflammations, moisturize the skin, and even heal wounds. Make sure you apply at least once a day, and your results will start showing soon after.

Don’t forget about vitamins
For skin health it’s very important to get enough vitamins, especially B, D, and C. Vitamin C will ensure you have an even bright complexion. Vitamin B helps in improving your overall skin condition, and vitamin D will keep your skin from ageing prematurely.

Those are so far some of the healthiest methods to achieve great skin. Do you have any healthy tips or suggestions?

A big thank you, again, to Mary for putting together this post for me. (She also wrote this post about timeless fashion for me.) I’m currently in Jamaica with Sandals Resorts! If you’d like to follow along on my adventure, I’ll be posting photos and videos to my Instastories.

8 Secrets to a Glowing Complexion
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  1. Courtney Byers says:

    these are such great tips! I need to get better about exfoliating. I always forget and also masks sound amazing.

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      I need to get back to using masks too!

  2. Thanks for sharing useful tips…

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Glad you enjoyed the post!

  3. Very useful tipps ☺️

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Glad you enjoyed the article!

  4. These are great tips! I did find my skin suffered a lot when my boys were newborns and I hardly had any sleep, haha! 🙂

    Hope you’re having a great week 🙂 So hot here, felt like summer today even though it’s only spring!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Oh gosh, yes! The no sleep thing can really take a toll. My diet has been terrible since returning back to the US lately – and it is causing all kinds of breakouts. I need to start following this post myself, haha.

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