Search Results for: california

Katie Schmidt

How to Shop for Sustainable & Ethical Fashion – Expert Tips by Passion Lilie

If you’re wondering what exactly sustainable and ethical fashion is, how to shop for sustainable and ethical fashion, and what “greenwashing” is + how to avoid it – this post is here to explain! Supporting and shopping for sustainable and ethical fashion brands is something I have been striving to be better about here at…

I liked taking my outfit photos in the Keywest Village because it was so quiet.

11 Amazing Indie Stores for Clothing & Accessories That I LOVE

Are you looking for some cool indie stores to update your wardrobe with? You’ve come to the right place! Plus, all of these indie stores listed here are available online – many are also sustainable and fair trade. I am a big fan of not dressing like everyone else and supporting small, independently owned brands….

8 Things Solo Traveling Taught Me

8 Things Solo Traveling Taught Me

Guest Post by Rachel O’Conner There’s traveling—and then there’s traveling alone. Every person, and especially every woman, should experience a solo journey at least once in their life. There are freedoms, challenges, and surprises that simply don’t occur when you’re with friends and family. You don’t have familiar people to lean on, so you have…

Displate Metal Posters

Decorating Our House – Things We’ve Found So Far!

Remember when my husband and I bought a house…and then went to live in Russia? Goodness, that feels like a lifetime ago. (If you missed all that commotion, click here.) We’ve been living in Russia since August…but we’ve still had a house in the United States that we intend to permanently move into at some…

4 Great Reasons to Spend the Day at the Oregon Zoo

4 Great Reasons to Spend the Day at the Oregon Zoo

Guest Post by Sarah Saker Portland, Oregon is an unassuming city, much like the majority of cities across the United States. It doesn’t have the renown that places such as New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, or Chicago have. But that is alright. This gives places like Portland a quaintness that the metropolises of America…

View of Iguazu Falls from above
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10 Things To Know Before Visiting Iguazu Falls

“Poor Niagara.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt famously said that upon seeing Iguazu Falls. And it’s hard to not have that reaction when you see them in person! Iguazu Falls are made up of a system of 275 waterfalls, with the exact number depending on the season. It spans an area 2.7 kilometers wide, and…

Get to Know Me

Get to Know Me

I don’t normally do these kinds of posts, but I thought this would be a fun one to take part in…especially because of my upcoming blog anniversary! It’s always great to reflect at this time of the year. The lovely Lee of “Lee Thrifts” tagged me in the “Get to know me – 4 things”…

A Stylish Love Story

Joanna of “A Stylish Love Story”

Joanna of “A Stylish Love Story” is this month’s Featured Fashionista! A Stylish Love Story is a gorgeous blog that showcases Joanna’s incredible fashion tips and stunning outfit photos. I love following Joanna’s blog to see which beautiful ensemble she will create next. Joanna is also a very talented writer, and has a gift for…