Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

How to Spend 10 Days in Peru – The Ultimate Itinerary

Have Clothes, Will Travel

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Day 1 – Arrive in Cusco and get acclimated

Cusco is 3,399 meters (or 11,152 feet) above sea level. Chances are when you first arrive, you’re not going to feel the greatest. Be sure to drink lots of water and coca tea, move slowly and avoid alcohol. I recommend walking leisurely through Plaza de Armas this first day.

How to Spend 10 Days in Peru

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Day 2 – Hike Rainbow Mountain

Hands down, hiking Rainbow Mountain is one of my favorite memories of Peru – heck, it’s one of my favorite travel memories of all time! I can’t recommend this hike enough! 

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

"10 days is a great amount of time to see the highlights of Peru. From the bustling city of Lima to the mystical structures of Machu Picchu to the famous Amazon Rainforest, it can all be done in 10 days!"

Have Clothes, Will Travel

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Day 3 – See the Sacred Valley and hop on the train to Aguas Calientes

Aquas Calientes is the closest city to Machu Picchu. The best way to get there is by train. So, I recommend taking a tour from Cusco through the various ruins in the Sacred Valley on your way to the train station in Ollantaytambo.

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Floral Pattern

Day 4 – Machu Picchu

Today, you’ll want to wake up bright and early and get in line for the bus to Machu Picchu as early as possible! (You can also order your tickets ahead of time.) Then you’ll spend the morning exploring Machu Picchu.

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Floral Pattern

Day 5 – Visit Moray, Salt Mines and Chinchero

Moray is an archaeological site that’s a bit off the beaten path. The Salt Mines are thousands of individual salt pools on a hillside that date back to Incan times. Then, Chinchero is a small town not far from Cusco. Beautiful Inca ruins, a colonial church, a traditional weaving/demonstration area, and a very nice market.

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Floral Pattern

To see the ultimate Peru itinerary, click the link below!

Have Clothes, Will Travel