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Honest TYME Iron Pro Review for Fine, Short Hair (With Photos)

This post is my honest review of the TYME Iron Pro, the all-in-one hair tool that is said to work on all hair types. I have short, fine hair that is naturally wavy… but not in a cute, beachy way (more like I stuck my finger in an electric socket kind of way). I also am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. This is NOT a post by a professional beauty blogger by any means – if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the post for you!

Below, is the way my hair typically looks.

Usually, I just straighten my hair with my GHD flat iron, because I do NOT have the patience for curling my hair… despite not having all that much for hair. However, this last year, my personal style has shifted a little more bohemian in style… and I’ve been wanting to embrace a wavier, looser curl look with my hair.

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The Verdict on Passion Lilie Dresses
This was the last time I attempted to curl my hair with a curling iron, nearly a year ago!

I have a 1-inch barrel curling iron that I use occasionally, and I also tried my mom’s curling wand for a while.  These are things that both work fine, but I really want more of a loose wavy look that I just couldn’t achieve with these tools. (I also tried using my straightener as a curling iron, and could not for the life of me master that). 

So, needless to say, I was intrigued when I heard about the TYME Iron Pro and was willing to give it a try. I’ve been using it since September of 2021. This post is going to explain what in the world this tool is, whether or not it works, how it works with fine, short hair, and whether or not I recommend it. 

Using the TYME IRON pro on short fine hair

What is the TYME Iron Pro?

The TYME Iron is meant to be a 2-in-1 straightener and curling iron that creates curls, waves, and straight styles. These are some key features it boasts that set it apart from other hair tools:

  • Patented angled design
  • Automatic shutoff after 30 minutes of non-use
  • Temperature memory – The iron remembers your last heat setting used, so you don’t have to
  • Professional titanium plates
  • Heats up in 55 seconds
  • It’s dual voltage –  The voltage is 110-120v and 220-240v (This is a big deal for frequent travelers like me!!)
  • When you buy through the TYME website, you get a free 1-on-1 styling session with a pro
  • 30-day money-back guarantee 
  • Comes with a 12-month warranty
One of my 1st attempts at using the TYME Iron Pro.
One of my 1st attempts at using the TYME Iron Pro.

Honest Review of the TYME Iron – My Experience

When I first got the TYME Iron Pro, it took me a bit to work up the nerve to use it. The extent of my hair expertise extends to blow drying my hair and straightening it. This tool seemed incredibly intimidating, as every review I’ve seen of the TYME Iron Pro, says it has quite the learning curve (and they’re not wrong).

So, before I even attempted to try this thing on my own, I scheduled my free 1-on-1 styling session. This was super helpful for me! The stylist walked me through the process multiple times until it made sense for me (for some reason her saying “you need to have your wrist like you’re doing ‘Thriller’ ” clicked with me). I highly recommend booking the free session ASAP after getting your iron.

I’m also not even going to attempt to explain how to use this iron, as the video above does a great job of explaining it, better than I can.

However, below is the gist of how you are supposed to use the TYME Iron.

  1. Place thumb behind the light.
  2. Make sure you can see the light in the mirror.
  3. Enter strand, close, and rotate knuckles away from the mirror.
  4. Glide iron forward, toward the mirror.
I had been wanting the TYME Iron to create a more wavy look for my hair
I had been wanting the TYME Iron to create a more wavy look for my hair – like this.

Does the TYME IRON Curl Fine Hair?

The short answer is yes, the TYME Iron does curl my fine, short hair. However, there is a big learning curve with using this tool. I am not even good at using a regular ole curling iron, so using the TYME Iron took me around 10 tries of practicing before I managed to get a hairstyle that I felt comfortable leaving my house in. I also have a really hard time using it on the back of my head. However, that is also true for curling irons…

Now that I’ve been using it for a while, I do prefer using the TYME Iron to my regular curling iron to get a looser curl look. 

However, I would say that my hair stays “curled” for about the same amount of time throughout the day as it does when I use a curling iron. I wouldn’t say the TYME Iron curls last any longer with my hair.

Does the TYME Iron Straigten Hair?

Yes, it does straighten my hair just fine. I know some people complained on Google about it leaving kinks in their hair when they straighten their hair with it, and I have had this happen… but only when I’m holding the iron the wrong way. 

However, I have to say, I do prefer using my GHD flat iron for straightening. The TYME Iron feels like it is “tugging” my hair when I pull it through, whereas my GHD iron feels very smooth. 

Lindsey of Have Clothes, Will Travel wearing a plaid Chicwish coat
My hair styled straight with the TYME Iron Pro.

Does the TYME Iron Damage Your Hair?

I mean, anytime you use heat on your hair it’s going to cause some damage. I don’t know if it is any more damaging than using my curling iron or flat iron. I always use Bumble and Bumble Heat Shield Thermal Protection Hair Mist before I heat style my hair, to prevent too much damage. (It’s the only heat protectant that adequately protects my thin hair without weighing it down.)

That being said, though, even when I have it on a lower heat setting, I can see steam coming off my hair. This is not something that I typically have happen when I use my other styling tools on a low heat setting. (You can see what I mean in the photo below.)

You can kind of see the steam I'm talking about in this photo.

Final Verdict: Is the TYME Iron Pro Worth the Price?

So, this depends on what your goals are with the TYME Iron Pro…

I think the TYME Iron Pro is worth it if you are trying to cut down on the number of styling tools you have. Whether you’re trying to save space in your bathroom or if you’re a frequent traveler – this would be a good all-in-one tool. Plus, the TYME Iron Pro is only $30 more than what I paid for just my straightener.

I WISH I would have had the TYME Iron Pro, years ago when my husband and I were living out of our suitcases and constantly moving internationally. This would have been the perfect tool for that nomadic time in my life. I mean it’s dual voltage AND a curling iron + straightener!

Dinner with geishas
Having the TYME Iron Pro when I lived in Japan would have been a lifesaver!

However, now that I have my own bathroom, and I’m not moving internationally every few months, I hesitate to say that this is THE heat styling tool as it has such a learning curve. I also like using my old straightener better for when I straighten my hair.

When it comes to curling my hair with the TYME Iron Pro, I do like the looser curls I can get with it. When using a regular curling iron, this can be difficult to achieve, as using a large barrel curling iron on my short hair is nearly impossible (and using a 1″ inch or smaller just creates a little too tight of a curl for my taste).

Personally, when I am home I will keep using my TYME Iron Pro to curl my hair, but I’ll be using my GHD flat iron to straighten my hair. So, in that sense, I don’t know if it is worth it – as it didn’t really replace my straightener. 

In a tent in the Maasai Mara in Kenya – and my Tyme Iron is working great!

However, when I am traveling, like when I was in Kenya last week, I only take my TYME Iron Pro. When I went to Kenya, I only got to pack 33 lbs total for that adventure – and my camera gear weighs 17 lbs on its own! The Tyme Iron was a nice space saver for this trip! I also was staying in tents and the like that didn’t have the greatest power grid… but using my Tyme Iron never caused any issues!

Now, I’m curious have you ever used the TYME Iron? If so, what was your experience? Let me know in the comments! 

Hair products I use and swear by for short fine hair:

Disclosure: TYME sent me this iron free of charge. However, this post is NOT sponsored by TYME. I wrote this post because I thought other ladies with short hair would be curious how this work for their hair – as everyone seems to have long hair in the Instagram ads!

Honest TYME Iron Pro Review for Fine, Short Hair (With Photos)


  1. Shana Martyn says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I, too, had only seen long hair demonstrations. Nice to know that it could work out for my old, thinner hair 😉

  2. Thanks for the review!! Sounds like we have similar hair issues; fine hair and all thumbs with styling tools. I’m going to buy one today. 👍😊

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Hi, Melody! Haha, yep that is exactly it! Let me know how it works for you. 🙂

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